Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Enchanted Cake Series for Daniella

Two cakes for Daniella 4th Birthday... Hehehe, lagi males cerita... tapi yang jelas ada catatan dari cake ini, kenapa cakenya sampe jadi 2 biji... hehehe... They are supposed to be in one tray... Tapi ya gitu de... so little time, so much to do...

Di hari ini lah aku bikin 3 cake sekaligus, beserta tambahan cupcake dan cookies... hehehe. Iya ini orderan yang dibikin barengan dengan persiapan birthday Olan...
I realy like the Pegasus Cake... Didukung toys yang disediain Lita, mama Daniella... the cake result was outstanding... makanya aku ga tambahin banyak pernak pernik lagi... Terus kok ya hari itu, aku bisa cover cake ini dengan sangat2 sempurna... hahaha... buat ukuran ku...

This is the other cake... covered with chocolate buttercream... the toys made a contrast decoration. Which I think was lovely too... Hahaha... tapi ya itu, karena gambaran awalku, harusnya ga begini... jadi aku ga puaaaaassss.... But thank you so much Lita, your feedback is so sweet. Of course it made me feel better, but yet I won't forget to take lesson to be so much better next time.

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