Monday, September 03, 2007

My Comfort Chair

What can be more pleasure than to sit in a comfort chair and sip your tea after taking a bite of a brownie? But what if you can bite your comfort chair and eat that out? Hmmm...
Hehehe... ini salah satu kerjaan main2ku di sela2 rasa bosen baking... (hah bisa bosen juga?) Well, lagi addicted cake decorating, tapi kena virus malas juga, jadi ngerjainnya setengah2 hati. I baked the brownies a week a go, but don't have time and will to do it until last saturday nite. The brownies just make a good wait sitting in my freezer :P

Tapi boo, don't ever use brownies to base your fondant cake. Remah2nya pada berantakan, ngotorin fondantnya :( And it's almost impossible to carve it. I should have know that... silly me. Hehehe soalnya nyari cake yang awet nunggu, kalo brownies kan tahan biar seminggu dua minggu, malah makin enak.
Belum sempet ambil foto yang udah dipotong2. So just take a look a my dream chair, and oh yeah... cukup kuat diduduki kok, by a doll of course :))
Look at Miss Barbie... Fit and so match with this chair...

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